Friday, October 3, 2014

"The bouncing ball says it all!"

If you can't animate basic physics on something like a bouncing ball and make it look great, what hope are you possibly going to have of animating something as complex as a character?!

By making a ball bounce and then making it start up, move rapidly across the screen and screech to a halt you will learn all the basic physics involved in making an animation full of life!

Notice the following:
1. Squash and stretch is involved, and relates to the speed of the object and it's impact with other objects (the ground in this instance).
2. The ball travels in a series of shrinking arches.
3.The ball gets slower at the top of the arch and fastest at the bottom.

The Bouncing ball is just practice for creating cartoon physics in more complicated character scenarios like the following.... 

Exaggerated versions of these real life actions....

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